part 2:
The Room
I’m watching myself fall.
As their sockets tighten
My eyes remain penned.
The shards in my mind
Have scarred me away
I had dreamt to find
Now I am bound to stay.
Kept it choked,
I drowned my breath
Now I leave my throat
Gasping in the depths.
Littered with remnants
Embers still threatening.
The world now a cage,
More bars in its cell
Every war it waged.
Be my escape,
Rescue my faith.
Entrapping patterns
At the hide of my face.
These choking cycles
Have murdered my rest
Even my breath wants out of my chest.
The Lie Lacks Purity
Begs for certainty against the stares
Of anaemic walls enclosing
The lone lilac blurred by their glare
Lies I’ve forged to answer the prayers
As attempts to soothe the echoing
Begs for certainty against the stares
Lies of deceit to quieten the scares
Of sanity by betraying
The lone lilac blurred by their glare
I’m anxious to descend down there
Where governing shades are forcing
Begs for certainty against the stares
With the vapidity that my room wears
The bare banal walls are boldening
The lone lilac blurred by their glare
If my lost eyes were to replace this pair
I’d see the pure purple petals impeding
Begs for certainty against the stares
Of the pure lilac blurred by their glare
A flower’s promise
Was all it took
It shook away the world
And now away I look
It said to understand this world
On occasion, one must turn away
And so with the promises of exhales
I left the trees
The stroll began and finished
Before my feet could catch me
Before I could blink twice,
The white seized my eyes
Alone not to be lonely, they say
But to be you with yourself
Not to be lonely
But to be yourself with your mind
How about both?
Not only for solitude
But to overcome the overwhelm
And for loneliness to seep through
Loneliness promises a response
A variation from the numbness
A motivating mechanism from
These days that have turned soporific
What I wouldn’t give for the response
To loneliness
I had begun to sink
Within the white sheets
Of the bed
The flower had promised me more than just rest
It had been days but only now
Do I know
That rest expires
As soon as night goes
I was grateful to sleep
Enveloped by the bed
But as lights simmered on
I heard what the bright said
You try to thin your eyes
But I have already entered
Your bones submitted to my rest
And soon the rest of you will surrender
A flower’s promise
Was all it took
It shook away the world
And away I looked
With little hesitation
Without blinking twice
Without ensuring the flower
Wasn’t a trick on the eyes
interlude ii
The Train
The only way to deal with an unfree world,
is to be so absolutely free
that your very existence
is an act of rebellion.
The floor shifted underfoot
Rocking from right to left
Throwing the passengers around
And they swayed in content
In every coach neatly lined up
If you were to glimpse inside
You would see the pale passengers
With their blissful eyes
As you peeked behind each set of curtains
And saw faces alike
You would reach the front of the train
But miss a man perfectly disguised
Seated in the seventh row
Of the eleventh coach
With his eyes against the window
Is a peculiar man
Although he seems alike
To the other faces
With his blissful poise
His eyes reveal traces
The man in the seventh row
Of the eleventh coach
With his eyes against the window
Sits assured
With his hands resting on his lap
And gaze fixed on the harsh snow
He knows that by accepting
He quietly revolts
Seated in the eighth row
Of the eleventh coach
With his eyes furrowed
Is a stubborn man
Having sat next to the man behind
For only moments before being deterred
By the stories the peculiar man told
Of mountains meaningless and absurd
The man in the eighth row
Of the eleventh coach
With his eyes furrowed
Is disturbed
With his hands clasped around his pendant
He disregards the thought as it bleeds
But the thought forces through
And he wonders where this train leads
Seated in the sixth row
Of the eleventh coach
With his eyes looming low
Is a tired man
His hands hiding beneath his coat
He had heard the story the peculiar man told
He had heard it before and it followed him close
Now pressed against his wrist, the thin blade felt cold
The man in the sixth row
Of the eleventh coach
With his eyes looming low
Is astray
Despite now knowing where this train leads
He begins to contemplate
Whether the arrival
Is really worth the wait.
Image Source: Gemini AI
a poorly sealed hole in the wall
I noticed something that day
Day? Yes, “day” I would say.
The white walls surrounding my eyes
Seemed aglow with a different shade.
As I lay quietly on the bed
Bed? Yes, it cushioned my head.
The white walls surrounding my eyes
Seemed off-white as the light wouldn’t spread.
The walls were dimmer than before
Before? Yes, today is that tomorrow, I am sure.
The white walls surrounding my eyes
Instead glistened with a light that was pure.
Unlike the harsh rays from above
Above? Yes, even though I haven’t looked up.
The white walls surrounding my eyes
Were the bright that was once loved.
The bright of which I had lost sight
Sight? Yes, these eyes are mine.
The white walls surrounding my eyes
Were blotched by a hole on the right.
And the light came gushing inside
Inside? Yes, I am on one of two sides.
The white walls surrounding my eyes
Through the cavity that defied.
An attempt to patch up the hole,
An attempt to cover and control
The outside as it quietly crept
But the plaster was a poor attempt,
Peeling and flaking and a terrible shade,
Distinctly astray to the hue it overlayed.
And therefore, all that was finally made
In the wall was a hole
An escape.
Image Source: Gemini AI
Thoughts of Freedom
Time brought dark
Time brought thoughts
Thoughts that flared
Thoughts that tipped
Tipped me over
Tipped me towards
Towards the escape
Towards the light
Light streams in
Light screams out
Out of my heart
Out of my mind
Mind the bed
Mind the walls
Walls still banal
Walls close in
In this room
In my rest
Rest is leaving
Rest has left
Left me stranded
Left me beset
Beset by the thought
Beset by the chance
Chance to return
Chance to turn back
Back to expression
Back to colour
Colour-in my world
Colour in my eyes
Eyes I have lost
Eyes that could find
Find a shard
Find a land
Land unlike old
Land free of trees
Trees nor streams
Trees nor mountains
Mountains nor flames
Mountains nor cycles
Cycles suppressed
Cycles broken
Broken before made
Broken to ensure
Ensure I avoid
Ensure I escape
Escape to a haven
Escape but ignorant
Ignorant with freedom
Ignorant of chaos