part 3:

The Outside

On being Ignorant of Chaos

The hole had given way.

A blemish in its pale magnificence,

Proved to be enough to bring the confines

Crumbling down,

With a push.

With my eyes pressed closed

I stepped into empty brilliance,

The searing bright pressed against my lids,

Forcing nothing more

Than the warmth on my skin.

They fluttered open,

Scrutinising the ground,

A careful inspection

That confirmed my escape;

I was now free.

My gleaming eyes jumped up gleefully,

Staring at the sky blinded me

Yet my gaze remained fixed

But with the uniformity

Painting the seas of blue

I questioned whether the sky was always up.

As the hole had toppled the wall

A sliver of doubt punctured my glee

The outside cleared into view

And with it,

A lack of clarity.

While most search for snakes,

Intruders in the grass,

My snakes were the absence

Of difference

And my garden, the vast.

A promise of quiet was broken

By the thoughts that deafened my ears

Without the oppression to subdue me

Without the marauding fumes

The world was much less quiet here.

The ground gave way

And weight left me

For a moment of stillness

The thoughts were at peace

The world, on this occasion

Pulsed with clarity.

Then the terrors of realisation

Murdered potently.

Image Source: All The World’s A Stage - An Old Age Painting by Carlos Sanchez

On being Murdered Potently

The skies rose up away from me,

The world beneath repelled.

The sea followed, gushing upwards

To engulf me as I fell.

On my hands, the sea seemed similar,

A familiar gelid feeling,

A chilling reunion just before

It drowns and sends me reeling.

A stopping of my racing heart;

My veins are frozen still,

Arteries restricted too;

My own blood a means to kill.

In a blink of calm amidst the chaos

Crystals of salt seeped through

But found their way across my skin

Into my half-healed wounds.

My eyes are forced tightly shut

By burning waves around me

Not only have they blinded my sight,

They have taken my will to see

This is how the tale ends for

My hope that now burns no more

My body floats in limbo now

It waits to be washed ashore

Image Source: Vik Beach, Iceland by Paul Andrew

On being Washed Ashore

Welcome to my story

This is the first day

My skin is cold

My eyes are bland

I have been washed ashore

And I hug the sand.

Image Source: Gemini AI

interlude iii

note to self:

don’t end up

(like him,

trust me I’ve seen

the change,

[from colour

to pallor

happy in limbo?

oxymoronic much?

highs are the lows

{levelled fields

no depressions

nor peaks}

it’s lost colour then

eyes turn colourless

without a pursuer

nor a prey

the spiral beckons]

the slight lift

above the level of farce


and you lose

the grace of tragedy)


Image Source: Gemini AI

On being Hugged by the Sand

My eyelids soon gave way,

Pulling open my eyes.

The wind blew me awake,

Opening the gates to my mind.

With the lack of light, my skin felt pale.

The dark had arrived and the sun had left no trail.

The sea lapped up my trail,

Ruthlessly pulling the traces away.

The grains underfoot were lifeless and pale,

But amidst the dark, the only light to my eyes,

The only light in my mind.

I prayed, I would wake.

I trudged in its wake:

The sea still devouring my trails,

The sea that had pierced through my mind

The sea that had washed me away

But those memories, like the colour of my eyes,

Started to fade as they turned pale.

The previous was, in comparison, pale

To the dreadful feeling of being awake

Awake in a void with nothing for the eyes

But my feet clocked forward, following no trail

Yet assuredly pulling me away

From what lurked in my mind.

Time slowly jabbed at my mind,

Fading my memories to pale.

But I continued to lure myself away,

My mind seemed to have made a trail.

Then, a glimpse forced my head to wake,

My whole body stared with my eyes.

A haven lay before my eyes

The variance from black quenching my mind

There I stood still, opposite a trail,

Opposite rubble, dark was stark against the pale.

Then, the moment of still was forced awake

By a marching persona, trailing away.

I wondered if all trails brought this sight to my eyes

Or if some led away, into the depths of my mind

But my wonder grew pale, for staring at the road, I was awake.

On being Awake

As the final streams are drowned

The dark envelops the bright

And marchers set their sights down

But his eyes are set alight

He enlightens with his glare

The dead rubble street

And silently stares

At the few marchers speeding East

They chase the light of new days

That, with the harsh sunshine

And his duty to the night haze,

Forever eludes his eyes

So if he could voice one last request

The lamppost would ask for the Night’s rest.

On losing the Night’s Rest

As blood through barren veins,

Yellow streaks incise with light

The road underfoot lacks lanes,

So I am walking the path of night.

I wait for the streaks to intrude

Into my line of sight

I pray for a last interlude

I can’t handle the bright.

My eyes remain looming low

Petrified of the heights

Embracing the world below

Avoiding the mountains of my mind

The last respites have elapsed

And though I know they are my plight

I wish this night hadn’t passed

For blindness reappears with the light.

And so,

the pendulum returns.


part 2