whatever you do, don’t close your eyes
just to be on the safer side,
can’t be too careful these days
those brooders with their dangling cigarettes
wearing layers because its never above defrost up there
have a bit too much time on their hands, I’d say.
but why can’t I close my eyes?
you must hold them open
tape them to your brow
you can’t let them close
but why?
they’re starting to sting
because apparently that changes everything
how so?
it’s about circles and strings
and not knowing one from the other
so we should, apparently, treat them as one and the other
but circles are circles
and strings are strings
they couldn’t possibly be
one and same thing
right you are, circles can’t be strings
but you can’t know which is which
until you feast your eyes, your own two-slits,
so you must assume, apparently, that they are one and same thing
my own two slits?
yes your own two-slits,
that are so often open,
are the only thing
that discriminate circles from strings
but I don’t discriminate
but you must.
and you must keep your pair open
because if you close them for just a blink
and so does every pair around you
then all the circles turn to strings
and strings into circles
they both coalesce into one and the same thing
and it all falls apart
all and nothing becomes real
but can’t I treat myself to a blink
if at least one pair of eyes stay open?
well yes, I suppose
then couldn’t you promise me
that for a moment,
you won’t close your eyes
and grant me a blink?
I could,
but my eyes are starting to sting
so like I said,
don’t close your eyes
just to be on the safer side.